Just a quill, dipped in ink, gliding on a page, and leaving its jots and tittles. And yet it can cut deeper than a surgeon’s blade, leaving its trail deep in the heart, far beyond the reach of our consciousness. Such is the power of words.
Immortal Fame
All stories pass the ultimate test of time. Many stories vanished and were forgotten before anyone ever bothered to waste a drop of ink on preserving their words. Other stories endured for centuries. From mouth to mouth, and ear to ear, they moved from one mind to another. Heart after heart pondered their meaning and… Continue reading Immortal Fame
Hope you will enjoy this hymn.
God !?
God. A three lettered word that leaves us scratching our heads. It somehow defies the limits of language, and all the rules of common-sense grammar. It means something, but who knows what it means? Who of us has not heard the word “God”? Who of us truly knows who or what “God” is? The word… Continue reading God !?